2015/6 |
Menjelang bergantinya tahun, tentu bisa jadi momen untuk kembali merefleksi diri, kembali bermuhasabah dan review apa yang sudah dilakukan setahun belakangan, lalu apa yang akan menjadi resolusi setahun ke depan.
Oke, tulisan kali ini saya mulai dengan kaleidoskop tahun 2015.
Januari : ikut Dauroh Pionir Dakwah selama 10 hari :)
Februari : dapat kabar bakal jadi ibuk kaderisasi :(
Maret : bendahara umum di musyawarah besar :/ :)
April : pelatihan calon penggerak selanjutnya! ^.^9
Mei : ketemu Helvi Tiana Rosa untuk KMGP :)
Juni : smartphone baru :)
Juli : keserempet mobil :( lalu diinfus dan dioperasi untuk pertama kali :>
Agustus : Sibayak for the first time :3
September : kebanjiran, laptop matot :(
Oktober : MusDa (men-zhahir-kan diri untuk pertama kali) :D
November : TRICK (bunga-bunga yang akan bermekaran) :3
Desember : kumpul keluarga semuanya :)
From this section, and the paragraphs below, I will write in English. *CMIIW*
If I remember all the highlight moments since January till December of 2015, I realized that Allah Ta'ala is The Best Giver. He game me many sweet, sad, and tensional moments. And I have to say thanks to Him. Thank You, Allah. For everything~
In this years, I learn many things through many life events that I never had before. Most of the moments I write above are moments that I have them for the first time. And for the first time too, I feel really like a poor girl this year. I have to economized the cost of my needs. Because I'm really like an 'anak kost'.
And again. I have to say thanks a lot to Allah. Never feel bored for saying!
Sometimes Allah chews me out through sadness or something I really don't like.
Sometimes Allah reminds me through happiness or something I love so much.
But one thing that I have to always remember is all these things are TEST or EXAMINATION, that I will be asked for responsibility someday.
Ok, I think that's enough for review of 2015.
I still have many dreams that I really wanna reach for next year, such as :
* read minimum 30 books a year
* start and finish my minithesis
* go abroad
* add recitation of Qur'an minimum 1 juz
* join a national training
* join and move with social movements
* get scholarship
* get workplacement
* get you! LOL (the last one is only a joke XD)
Salam Semangat, Readers :)
Ida Mayasari
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